Thursday, March 13

11 Ways The Moon Changes A Woman


It happens all too often – one day you feel like Aphrodite herself, the next you can hardly stand the way you look. From one fleeting moment to the next – one hardly ever knows what to expect or feel – as a woman. It sometimes gives one an impression of a possible candidacy for President of Loonyville. But wait…  according to yogic philosophy, there is a perfect explanation for the emotional rollercoasters women face daily.

It All Has To Do With The Moon

Image result for woman and moon

If 60% of our bodies are made up of water, it comes as no surprise that some have speculated on the effect of the moon on human behaviour – just like it does on the tides of the ocean. And even looking at the origins of the word Lunacy – we find the word Lunar (relating to the moon) lingering. Although conclusive evidence of overall behavioural changes has not been found, many studies theorise and show some sleeping issues for participants during new and full moons. And if we look at history, we find most Greek and Roman philosophers suggesting a huge role the moon has on the changing chemistry of our brains. This belief extends to yogic science as well – where a firm belief that the moon has great effects on emotions and this is especially true for women.

The 11 Moon Points Of A Woman

During a 28 day cycle, women go through a whopping 11 different moods. These moods can be found at different centres of the body. According to Kundalini Yoga and Yogi Bhajan’s teachings, when tuned into the body, one can actually feel the position of these moods. This type of awareness brings about a tremendous understanding allowing women to control and balance seeming irrational moods. Each mood lasts about two and half days at each point and here’s where you can find them and what you will feel:

  • Arcline – Confident and Self-assured.
  • Navel Center – Security issues, Aggressive and Intimidating
  • Thighs – High Energy and Productive
  • Earlobes -Analytical
  • Clitoris – Charming, Talkative, Sociable and Outgoing.
  • Vagina – Social but on a deeper level
  • Back of the neck – Romantic
  • Breasts – Compassionate and Heart-centered
  • Lips – Communicative
  • Cheeks – Emotional
  • Eyebrows – Imaginative and Creative

Each woman has her own sequence and being able to become aware of this sequence connects you to a power and strength sometimes lost during the misunderstanding of the changing moods.

The Eleven Moon Point Workshop in Cape Town

Attending a workshop is a good way of gaining better understanding and awareness of the Moon Points. A workshop being run by the Pritam Khalsa,  who was trained directly under Yogi Bhajan himself and is the lead Kundalini Yoga Trainer in Africa will be teaching a workshop this coming weekend.

  • Date: Saturday, 19th August 2017
  • Time: 11am – 4pm
  • Cost: R380 per person *There are scholarships available.
  • Special – Bring your mother or daughter with for a discounted price of R580
  • Venue: Ysterplaat Airforce base, Milnerton
  • What to bring: comfy clothes, yoga mat and pendulum (necklace with pendants will work)
  • Included: Soup and tea provided.

Call or email to book: 082 671 2317 /

Eating a Raw and Organic Diet Helps

A raw and organic diet allows you to tap into these moon points more easily. Pritam Khalsa, who resides on Eco-farm, Long Valley, located in Robertson, is the owner of Earth Products which are ideal foods for cleaner eating.

Earth Products Agar Powder

Image result for Earth Products Agar Powder

Earth Products Organic Dried Mangoes

Image result for Earth Products Agar Powder

Image result for Earth Products Macadamia Nut Butter


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