Thursday, March 13

Weather, what weather?


There, I’ve broken the ice. They say that talking about the weather is the best way to start a conversation with a stranger, and I suppose it’s also a great way to start your first blog post in a while.

I often think how lucky we are, us PriceCheckers. We live (and work, sometimes) in Cape Town. It’s a great place to be. But, besides the pearly-white beaches, sun-kissed bodies, majestic mountain(s) and general awesomeness, we have another great thing going for us – the weather.

It’s not too hot, nor too cold. It’s dry and hardly ever humid. It can be very windy, but hey, you can’t have it all.

Now, being as spoilt as we are, when something out of the ordinary happens, we’re not happy campers. The recent heat wave sent Capetonians clamouring for a saviour. Not from the divine, but from that man-made marvel, the air conditioner.

In the week of The Heatwave of 2011, our most popular product was the Samsung 24000BTU Outdoor Split Air Conditioner Unit, go figure!

You know, we’re a pleasant bunch here in Cape Town, but mess with our weather and there’s trouble! You’ve been warned!


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