Sunday, February 23

Water Filtration: The Sensible Choice


Water is one of a few things humans take for granted and it plays a significant role in our lives. Think about it for a moment, without water there would no tea and coffee in the morning at work, no beverage to drink when you are thirsty. Boiling foodstuff would be impossible. I might be painting a bleak picture but the truth is that we waste water and do not think twice about doing so.

Do you think about the water that you drink? I am referring to the water content and having a look at newspapers suggests that the water standards are going down.

There are a few things that you can do to tackle the issue:

1. Boil your water in a Kettle and let it cool down and then drink it. Put the water then into your fridge and repeat the process.
2. Consider buying a filtration system and then let your tap water go through the filtration system. One would be surprised at the contents of your filtration system when the time arrives for a replacement.
3. Use water sparingly.

Russell Hobbs, Mellerware, Brita, Pure Water SA and Sunbeam have various products available that you can use to filter your water with.

It is a small investment in your well being and health.It is the right thing to do.


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