Monday, March 10

Want To Own A Drone? These Are The Regulations You’ll Have To Follow.


In July 2015 the South African Minister of Transport signed into effect rules regulating the ownership and operation of remotely piloted aircraft systems, more popularly know as drones.

Looking into purchasing one of the gadget world’s latest crazes? First off, you’ll need to appropriate training and license. Any private, commercial, corporate and non-profit organisations which plan on operating drones will need to obtain their Remote Pilots License (RPL). To obtain your RPL you’ll need to undergo training from a registered RPA organisation. Visit this website for more information on RPAs within South Africa. If you’re going to be using your drone for commercial means, you’ll need to have it registered with the South Africa Civil Aviation Authority.

After obtaining your RPL, you’ll need to be aware of all the restrictions and regulations surrounding the actual flying of your drone. The drone regulations in South Africa include:

  • Do not fly more than 400 feet above the ground
  • Do not fly within 10 kilometres of an airport
  • Do not fly the drone more than 500 metres away from the pilot
  • Do not fly closer than 50 metres to roads, people and buildings
  • For private use, a drone may not exceed 7 kilograms

If you’re looking to buy your own drone, they range from R1300 for the entry-level 6-Axis Gyro Quadcopter to R18 000 for a more advanced DJI Phantom 3.

You can also purchase a range of accessories for your drone such as flight recorders, spare propellers or batteries.

Kid’s drones are also available, such as the Radio Controlled D15 Quadcopter going for R922.

Check out this beautiful drone footage of Cape Town!


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