Sunday, February 23

Uber Rent Lets You Borrow Someone’s Wheels for the Day


While Uber has revolutionised the way in which we travel by putting us in the backseat rather than behind the wheel, the American company has now launched Uber Rent, allowing users to loan other users’ cars.

The goal is to allow travellers, or those in need of a vehicle for a short period, to hire a car from a private user, do your chores or travelling for the day, and have a seamless transaction between the two parties, as per a normal Uber trip.

In order to achieve scope quickly, Uber has partnered with a car-sharing start-up named Getaround, which already has a peer-to-peer car rental system in place.

Whether you need a low-consumption commuter for a short business trip, or a 4×4 to get through a scenic route for a vacation, a variety of cars will be available with varied prices depending on the rental variables like time and type of vehicle.

The service is currently only available in the US, but as has been in the case with all of Uber’s services, Uber Rent will likely  launch in other territories, including South Africa, in the near future.

If you’re looking for the best car rentals prices around SA, check out PriceCheck’s car-rental comparison tool.

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