Wednesday, January 22

Toys That Educate


Education comes in many forms (books, games and even toys) that ensure something goes to memory that will be recalled over time. Whether it is how to use money (Monopoly does a great job on educating the players on property ownership) or learning a new skill (knitting, gardening) the opportunities are available for all to learn something.

Toys do some early educating when mom and dad have a task to do.  I am not for one moment suggesting that toys and other media should replace parents. On the contrary toys can supplement the parental education process. Imaginative play can develop creativity as the child mimics how they perceive a real life situation and then act it out. This provides the parents the ability to see how the child interpret situations .The parent can then see where they can help the child understand the situation thorough talking and further examples. The creativity is found in the interpretation that over time will develop into creative problem solving etc.
The greatest toys I believe are those that kids can use to build things with. Building blocks or a plastic screw and screw driver set are what will grab the attention of the young one. It will pose problems that will need hours to solve.

Buying toys is a process that needs careful thinking and not just a quick thought. Buy toys that will educate your child.

Educational toys


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