Monday, March 10

Top 5 Brilliantly Easy Ways to Entertain Your Dog at Home


If you think you’re feeling stressed about being cooped up all day, just imagine what your pooch is going through. South Africa’s strict lockdown rules mean that your furry friends can’t roam the streets as freely as they used to, leaving owners struggling to find ways to keep their dogs entertained. Luckily, keeping your dog stimulated at home is easier than you think. You can keep your dog’s brain busy from the comfort of your own home using simple household items, there are many ways you can keep your dog active, without stepping outside your front door.

If you’ve run out of ideas for how to keep your dog entertained through the lockdown period, while walks outside are still off the menu, these suggestions should help to keep them both mentally and physically stimulated throughout this tricky time. Using a mixture of household items and treats, here are 5 ways dog lovers can kick start the fun indoors:

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1. Fun with tunnels

dog toys

Does your dog love tunnels? Why not use items you have lying around the house to create an obstacle course for your dog? Think boxes, benches, or even that baby tunnel you thought you’d never use again, to create a simple obstacle course in your garden or inside your home. Encourage your dog to go through with the promise of treats or their favourite toy at the end of the tunnel.

This is also a great way to reinforce basic training like ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ instructions. Just be sure to start with an easy route, and reward achievements with tiny treats.

2. Digging deep

dog toys

If your dog loves to dig, this could be the perfect past time. Shred or scrunch up newspaper or any paper items and pop them in an empty box. Drop in some treats or toys, and watch your dog dig away. This game is the ideal combination of physical and mental play for your dog. Whilst physical exercise is important for your dog, mental stimulation is also essential to help keep them happy.

3. A paw-fect figure 8

dog toys

For this one you need just two boxes, cones, or somewhat identical obstacles. Put the obstacles a short distance apart and have your dog sit facing the obstacle. Stand above the obstacles, holding your a treat or a favourite toy in one hand and slowly start to move them in a figure of eight around the two items, swapping the reward into your other hand at the centre point. One arm will guide your dog around the item to the left and the other arm will guide your dog around the item to your right. Repeat several times until you’ve got the movement smooth and well-rehearsed.

4. Hide and seek

dog toys

If your dog is bored, arrange a scavenger hunt for treats around the garden or house. Hide some treats and toys all around the house or garden and encourage your dog to use his nose to find them. Be sure to start off easy and guide your pup on the hunt or he’ll most likely find one treat and give up.

5. Recycled toys

dog toys

If your pups are bored with some of their olds toys, you don’t have to shell out money for new ones. in fact, there’s a free dog toy waiting in your bathroom! The next time you finish a roll of loo paper, save the cardboard inner and make a fun treat dispensing toy for your dog. To create this toy simply take an empty toilet paper roll. Fold it in at one end with your hands, making a triangle shape. Fill with a treat and close the other end in the same fashion. Present to your dog and watch them work it out!

If you want to up the level of difficulty on this toy you can also try wrapping the treats in kitchen towel before inserting it into the loo roll or stuffing the loo roll with shredded paper or kitchen towel on either end.

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