Monday, March 10

The Ibiza Geek Connection


When I see the word Ibiza, I have a picture of sandy beaches, plenty of sunshine and endless parties in my mind. I suspect that I am not the only one that associates the word with that image. Imagine my surprise when following Ibiza, the next word in a product name is binary.  Binary is from a geek point of view the lifeblood of the Internet and data movement.  It is a way of representing text or computer processor instructions by the use of the binary number system’s two-binary digits 0 and 1.

According to 01TheOne, the Ibiza LED Binary watch is a unique and innovative watch.  I cannot find any reason to disagree with that. I love it and I think geeks worldwide would rejoice at owning one of these binary masterpieces.

If nerdiness is the new rock n roll, then this Binary Watch is as rock n roll as you can get. Yep, emphasise your cool credentials with a watch that no one can decipher except you (and maybe not even you!).

Instead of the, oh so last century analogue or digital watch face, the watch displays the time in futuristic binary. The first column represents hours, the second ten minutes, and the third single minutes. So, if four lights show in the first column, two in the second and two in the third then the time is 4:22. It’s easier than it looks and your brain will quickly get used to telling time in binary.

Reading the date is just as easy. To activate the date setting simply press the function button, then the first column represents months and the second and third represent the day.

If you want to stand out from the crowd and increase your geek credentials then get one.. I would!

01TheOne Ibiza LED Binary Watch


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