Monday, March 10

The BlackBerry Torch 9800 Review


It has been 4 months since I made the decision to get a BlackBerry Torch 9800.  It was a relatively easy decision to make as having free Internet on the device is a no brainer. In all honesty I had some reservations after I received my Torch. Is the phone clunky and heavy? How difficult is it to switch between using the touch screen and the slide out keyboard. Is BlackBerry 6 the answer to the previous software versions? Is the camera capable of providing decent photos?

To answer all the questions, I just have to reflect on my journey with the Torch. Initially the phone felt big but after 2 weeks I got used to carrying it in various pockets. The switch between the touch screen and keyboard is seamless, so writing long emails is super easy. I have had one freeze after which I restarted the device and have yet to have any problems with BlackBerry 6 operating system. I think the layout of all the menu items are very well thought out by RIM. The camera has been a very nice surprise, as I have been able to take very nice pictures without having to take my digital camera out of it protective case. So overall, the phone has lived up to all the expectations I had and have exceeded them.  The social media applications for facebook and twitter are also very easy to setup and use.

However, there are some things to keep in mind if you are considering purchasing a BlackBerry Torch:

The phone does not come with a carry case initially, so add in the cost of purchase for one carry case to your decision. Secondly, I took the decision to buy a screen cover for my Torch as I did not want any scratches on the screen. The app store for BlackBerry phones is limited and cannot be compared to the Apple version at all.  The BlackBerry Torch has provided countless hours of email, Internet and is a very decent smart phone.

BlackBerry Torch 9800


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