Monday, March 10

The Android Java patent battle


Android is fast becoming Google’s most prized asset. The purchase of Motorola Mobility is evidence of just how much Google is willing to spend to ensure its growth. The adoption rate of Android devices has been astronomical, 500 000 devices per day according to unconfirmed sources. It must be said that there have been some issues with regards to fragmentation of the entire Android ecosystem.

As with all of these software companies, the patent problem has raised its head. Oracle have claimed that Android contains elements from one of its holdings, Java. Java was part of the Sun Microsystems acquisition that Oracle did in January 2010.

It seems that both companies are trying to reach a settlement before the trial starts in early October.  I would be surprised if Larry Ellison receives his desired reaction from Google as Ellison supposedly wants billions of dollars in compensation. The parties have not yet reached any agreement on the matter. As a result, U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal forced Google and Oracle back for a second settlement conference which was held on Wednesday morning( 21 September 2011), in the hope that the companies can reach an agreement before heading to trial – scheduled for October.

Google needs Android to be successful and any patent issues or costs should be seen as an investment into the product and not a liability. It is the battle of the Larry’s .. one will win and one will have to sign a very large checque.

Larry Page and Larry Ellison


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