Saturday, February 22

The 10 Best Ways To Get Your Protein Without Meat


In the land of meat lovers, meat as the only source of protein is a common fallacy. The idea is becoming even more far-fetched as an increasing number of people adopt a meat-free lifestyle. These people include bodybuilders who blatantly disprove this primitive way of thinking by thriving in their Greek god-like forms. So, in the spirit of “conscious-eating”, we delve into all the protein sources vegetarians and vegans live on.


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Containing 36grams per 100grams of protein, soybeans are one of only two complete plant-based proteins. Apart from serving as a great protein menu item, it also encourages healthy metabolic activity, fiber for better digestion and is high in isoflavones which helps with menopause.

Lupin Beans

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Despite the curious flavour, lupin beans are loaded with protein, clocking in at 36grams per 100grams of protein. It is also known as the miracle bean, lowering cholesterol and preventing blood clots with its fiber content. Because of its high toxic alkaloids, proper preparation of the beans is important.

Peanut Butter

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The common household spread is amongst the best sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans. 25grams of 100grams of smooth style peanut butter contain protein. Large amounts of niacin are found in nuts, which makes eating peanut butter an Alzheimer’s disease preventative.

Mungo Beans

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Mung beans are small in size but contain a whopping amount of protein. With 24 grams per 100grams of protein, mungo beans are high in phytonutrients important for optimal cellular communication and function.

Swiss & Cheddar

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Because not all cheeses are vegetarian, leading the protein pack for those that are is Swiss and cheddar cheese. Swiss cheese contains 27grams per 100grams protein and cheddar 25grams per 100grams – now you know why vegetarians adore a night out for pizza. Cheese is also an easy way to up your calcium intake if you are not getting enough.

Kidney Beans

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24grams per 100grams of kidney beans is protein. Including the shapely red bean in your diet also increases your iron intake and makes for a good source of manganese which helps for calcium absorption.

Sunflower Seeds

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Top your salads with sunflower seeds and your protein intake will quickly increase. 24grams per 100grams of theese tinies are loaded with protein. Apart from its nutritional value, eating sunflower seeds showed an overall effect on healthier moods according to clinical studies done 100 years ago.


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Nuts are often seen as a great go to snack for dieters, but because of its high fat and protein content, they are better eaten in moderation. Almonds, however, are one of the trustier nuts with a protein content of 21grams per 100 grams, which helps satiate and suppress hunger aiding in weight loss.

Cocoa Powder

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Add some cocoa powder to your drinks or smoothies and you will have 20grams per 100grams of protein. It not only tastes good but its high antioxidant content reverses aging and prevents macular degeneration. Always opt for unsweetened and raw cocoa powder for optimal nutritional.

Black Beans

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Without causing a dent in your pocket, black beans are an affordable source of protein. With 21grams of 100grams of protein, they regulate blood sugar levels and have huge benefits for the nervous system.

These foods definitely bust the meat-lovers protein myth.


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