Sunday, February 23

Smoking: The Good, The Bad & The Benefits Of Quitting


The Cancer Association states that 25000 people die annually from smoking related causes in South Africa alone. Although there have been a number of precautionary measures taken to lessen the dangerous consequences of smoking in SA, it’s still a difficult habit to kick.

Whether you are at a social gathering or bored with nothing to do, lighting up a cigarette seems obvious to a smoker. It makes sense. It’s a way to socialise & feel accepted; helping one cope with stress or anxiety as it has a numbing effect on the brain, and keeps weight at bay. I bet smokers could present more excuses to smoke….

It is interesting to know that after just 48 hours of not smoking your sense of smell & taste increases & nerve endings begin re-growth.  After 72 hours your breathing becomes easier and lung capacity increases. After 2-3 months your circulation improves & lung ability increases up to 30%! Between 1 & 9 months your lungs are able to handle mucus far better and your body energy levels have improved – and the list goes on!  But in the long run, the risk of mouth, throat, oesophagus, bladder, cervix and pancreas cancer decrease significantly.

Twisp Dura Mini Cigarettes, eSkyf Electronic Disposable Cigarette & NJOY NCIG are motivating products, however, they don’t take away the addiction of needing something in your hand, putting it to your mouth & puffing away – which is the tougher habit to kill. Never-the-less, nicotine patches & Nicorette Gum assist in steering clear of the “Hand-to-mouth” habit, as well as abundant MP3 CD’s, books and DVDs. Even aromatherapy or picking up a hobby that you have been eyeing out or neglecting is said to substitute for the nicotine craving and assist in the quitting process.

Chew Nicorette over the fact that you’ll have whiter teeth, fresher breath, and lesser wrinkles when you’re older. You’ll have more energy to keep yourself in shape, and you could be saving tens of thousands of Rands a year! It would also be calming to know that your hair & clothes are not reeking of smoke and grossing-out the non-smoker next to you anymore…A little bit more socially acceptable.


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