Saturday, February 22

Painting the Town Green: Plascon Launches Eco-friendly Paints in SA


In the light of growing climate change concerns, we’re all taking more meaningful steps to reduce our impact on the environment. This marked shift is happening across all sectors of industry and by no means excludes the very coatings we apply to the walls, roofs and surfaces of our homes and businesses. The paint industry is making great strides in producing more eco-friendly paints with efforts covering anything from the way paints are manufactured to the substances they contain.

In South Africa, Plascon is making great strides in offering consumers alternative solutions with a range of eco-wise coatings made using green technology. The first of these innovations is the brand’s introduction of APEO free formulations.

home maintenance

APEO compounds are bio-accumulative compounds which, when released into the environment, can be toxic to human and wildlife, especially marine life. They are found in a variety of products including paints, packaging and cleaning agents. Conventional roof paints contain APEOs that, over time, leach into waterways through rain and drainage, and eventually contaminate the soil, water tables, rivers and ultimately, our oceans. APEOs that accumulate in water systems become toxic to aquatic organisms. In large doses, APEOs can even disrupt hormonal systems in humans.

Plascon TradePro Roof & More is Africa’s first roof paint to be entirely free of the harmful APEO chemicals, making it the perfect choice for conscious consumers. Since Plascon TradePro Roof & More is APEO-free it is safe for the harvesting of rainwater for non-potable use.

What’s more, to answer the call to reduce the amount of plastic put out into the world, Plason has also introduced black buckets to its premium range, which are made of up to 70% upcycled material. These upcycled buckets provide the same structural integrity and lend a new air of distinction to the Plascon premium range, which includes Plascon Micatex, Double Velvet Pure, Cashmere, Velvaglo Water-Based, Nuroof Cool and Wall & All.

roof paint

Another environmental concern in the paint industry is that of conventional solvent-based products and the associated risk of VOC emission. VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are chemicals emitted from production processes and common household items. These chemicals accumulate in the air and can have short- and long-term adverse health effects. VOC pollution is on the rise across the globe and in an effort to combat this threat, Plascon has optimised the formulations of its premium brands, which now all boast zero VOC recipes. This means that there are no VOC emissions when using these products, thereby protecting the environment as well as your home and family.

One VOC in particular, known as formaldehyde, presents a growing cause for concern. Emitted from common household items, such as upholstery, carpeting and household cleaning agents, formaldehyde has the potential to pollute the air and compromise our health.

home maintenance paint

In 2020, Plascon pioneered a first for the South African market – a paint with Air Purifying Technology. Plascon Double Velvet Pure has the ability to actively improve the quality of indoor air by removing Formaldehyde from the air that you breathe, making your home and workspace a safer environment for you, your co-workers and family. A special compound in the formula removes and permanently transforms the formaldehyde in the air into undetectable, harmless water vapour, which is safe for breathing.

The reengineered product retains all of its premium quality, strength and elegance as well as its existing leading technologies such as the Stain BarrierTM, to make cleaning away life’s messier moments a breeze; Silver ProtectTM to inhibit mould and bacterial growth; and BreatheasyTM to minimise odour and ensure cleaner, breathable air.

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