Monday, March 10

Our brand new Popular Brands section is live!


At PriceCheck we’re constantly looking for ways to make your user experience, a better one.  As part of the brand new look and feel, we’ve also included a “Popular Brands” section. This is effectively a curated section that includes numerous products from various popular brands, handpicked by us. The Popular Brands section is extremely easy to navigate, because we want to help you find the best products, quickly.

To find the Popular Brands section, simply scroll down our homepage and find these tiles in the middle of the page.


If the brand you wish to browse is displayed, simply select the tile and you’ll be taken to the brand page. On the brand page you will find a short description of the brand, as well as a breakdown of the “product families” relevant to the brand. For this example I’ll be using Sony as they produce a number of products.

product tiles

However, if you don’t feel like scrolling through the brands list, there is also a search bar at the top to help you check whether the brand you are looking for is listed.

search bar

Once you are on the Sony page, you will see a number of tiles, these are the product lines.

product listing

So we’ve split up their cameras, televisions, computers, gaming consoles, smartphones and audio equipment. Select the product type you’re looking for, we’ll be using the Cybershot family for this example, and you will be presented with a list of products.


This listing will include prices, ratings and information regarding how many shops stocks the items. Click on the product you are interested in and you’ll be taken to a page that lists all the information needed to make an informed purchase decision, including prices, shop ratings, product details and reviews.


That, in a nutshell, is our Popular Products section. With the simple aim to provide you with handpicked, properly curated products, that are neatly organised and easy to understand, we believe that this new section on the site can truly change the way shoppers use PriceCheck.


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