Monday, March 10

Nokia Giveaway – now closed.





Stand a chance to win a limited edition PriceCheck branded Nokia Lumia 820 with Here Maps.

10 handsets up for grabs = 10 winners!

How to enter

Simply pay with a tweet. Click on the button below

Pay with this tweet to enter!

 There are no entry fees to participate in the giveaway, and no additional charges involved.


Competition details

Competition dates: Monday 21 October – Friday 22 November 2013. TWO winners will be randomly selected at the end of each week for the duration of the giveaway, namely on Friday 25 October, 1 November, 8 November, 15 November, 22 November.

You can enter only once a day.

If you are not on Twitter, you may enter with Facebook, by liking the competition post. Click on the button below to take you to the post


Ts & Cs apply


Do share with your friends and family so they too can stand a chance to win!

Download the PriceCheck app here


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