Wednesday, March 12

New Year’s: What Happens Now?


Now that Christmas is over and the New Year has begun I’m sure you are all thinking “What happens now?” It’s a question I’m sure we all ask ourselves each year. Enter PriceCheck. We’re here to get the year off to a brilliant start.

We all make New Year’s resolutions, which some of us follow and others don’t! Here are just some things you could do:

                   1.       Work off the Christmas weight

Many of us tend to over indulge a little during the festive season, right? Let January be the perfect time for you to get back into shape. Make going to the gym a priority during January and let it set the tone for the rest of the year. It is also a great time to get new work-out wear and trainers. If you want to do your exercise in the comfort of your own home – it’s good to purchase some exercise equipment.

                  2.       Take up a hobby

This is a good time to start a new hobby or past time. There are so many things you could do and the possibilities are endless. If you enjoy taking pictures, why not start by getting a camera and taking a photography class? Another fun activity is dancing. This is also a way to get great exercise and meet new people. Hiking is an amazing way to appreciate South Africa’s natural beauty and also – GREAT exercise.

Then, there’s my personal favourite:

                 3.       Do whatever you want

It’s a new year, 2013, and you should be able to do just as you please. Go and see a show – the Artscape in Cape Town has an amazing program this year. Have some fun at Water World in Durban – it’s SUMMER after all!

Get a game console; PS3, Xbox 360 and start playing video games. If you think you should read more books, do it. I am taking part in a reading challenge myself and I am looking forward to completing all 230 books this year. Whatever you do, HAVE FUN.

Make 2013 a memorable one and start making it special right now – today!

Let us know what you will be doing this January 2013.


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