Monday, March 10

Microsoft unveils Windows 8


Microsoft showed the world their next generation operating system. Windows 8 has been nothing short of a rumour for the last few months. At the BUILD conference the rumour became a reality.

Microsoft is undoubtedly the market leader in the operating system space.  Everyone uses a piece of software that is made by the Redmond Company at least once a day.  Microsoft has stated that the developer software has been downloaded 500 000 times during the first 24 hours since being available to the public.

However I have a problem with Windows 8. Why create a whole lot of buzz and PR for a product and then you tell the public that it is only to be expected in 2012? It makes no sense. Microsoft has provided their opposition with an opportunity to have a look at a demo version. They can then potentially make changes to their own software.  Thus the advantage that Microsoft has with Windows 8 could be eroded even before it hits the shelves.   I also think that Microsoft is missing a trick with this free PR and buzz.

They are not capitalising on the impulse buying element that these product launches bring.  So if you walk into any computer store or look to buy the software online you will not find it. In the physical retail environment the shopper is going to end up buying another product or not buy anything at all. This entire situation can all be summarised in 2 words: missed opportunity.

A similar situation can also be seen with Microsoft Windows Phone 7. The first real phone in which they have partnered with Nokia is also to be available to the public in early 2012. I don’t see Apple ever doing this (Jobs will NOT consider this at all and he will throw his toys out of the cot). If you don’t have a physical product that can be bought by the public today or tomorrow then rather keep quiet.  Right Mr Ballmer?


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