Tuesday, March 11

Microsoft unveil Surface tablets


They say timing is everything in life. Microsoft waited a week after the Apple WWDC event to unveil something. I say “something” as initially the event was rather secretive and as things go, it led to the creation of a lot of rumours.

So what was the big fuss all about? Microsoft Surface, which will be Microsoft’s attempt at entering the tablet market. Watching Apple from the sidelines was most probably getting rather frustrating for Microsoft shareholders. Yesterday was historic as Microsoft is not going to partner with HP, IBM or other OEM manufacturers to create their tablet but rather they are going at it alone. That for me is a big deal as suddenly their longstanding partners are now competitors. Microsoft has never done this in the computing space (I am aware of their keyboards and mouse manufacturing exploits). It also means that these manufacturers no longer have a software company that they can go to. Android, iOS and now Windows RT are now really money making software for Google, Apple and Microsoft.

The mere fact that Microsoft is willing to enter the tablet race at this late stage clearly indicates that Microsoft is scared of the impact of the iPad. Microsoft has now also opened the possibility of manufacturing their own cellphones without the need for a partner. (Yes, Nokia you might not be the platform that ensures Microsoft gains a steady entrance into the cellphone space.)

I have a problem with the name of this project. When I heard Surface, I immediately thought of their touch enabled tablets that are seen in hotels all across the US. So brand confusion is already a problem, at least for me. Another thing that is quite noticeable in all of the press releases is that the keyboard is almost always shown with these tablets. Compare that to the philosophy that Apple has in which the product is always the centre of attention. The accessories are always done after the product has launched. I wonder, is Microsoft doing this deliberately? If so, are they aiming to take market share away from notebooks?

The biggest problem that last night raised is the complete lack of price and when the Microsoft Surface tablets will be available. So yesterday could be seen like the classic CES product preview – “We have this great tablet at the moment and here is it but we are not ready to go to market with it”. Will the surface be scratched by Microsoft Surface?


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