Monday, March 10

Microsoft Kinect Break Sales Record


Microsoft has announced that they have sold more than 10 million units of the Kinect worldwide. I must admit that is a good sign for the gaming industry as this feat will force Nintendo and Sony to respond.  Microsoft launched the Kinect with great fanfare and the accessory has lead to greater game sales for the Xbox 360.

The Guinness World Records has officially named Kinect for Xbox 360 the fastest-selling consumer electronics device, which sold an average of 133,333 units per day for a total of eight million units in its first 60 days between November 4, 2010 and January 3, 2011.

“The sales figures here speak for themselves,” said Gaz Deaves, Gaming Editor for Guinness World Records. “According to independent research, no other consumer electronics device sold faster within a 60-day time span, which is an incredible achievement considering the strength of the sector.”

One wonders whether Microsoft planned for the Kinect to be successful. What is becoming more visible is that the Xbox platform is becoming more important to Microsoft. Well Done Steve, you finally got one right! (Steve Ballmer is the CEO of Microsoft and should not be confused with his namesake at Apple.)


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