Sunday, February 23

How To Choose The Right Headphones


Buying headphones is not as easy as just walking into a store, or going online. There are quite a few factors that you need to consider, most importantly what type of headphones / earphones you want. Here’s our breakdown the most common types of headphones / earphones on the market:

  • Earbuds / earphones
    • Earbud-style headphones – more commonly known as earphones –  are generally the type that you get with your phone. They range from the disposable ones that airlines offer on the plane all the way to high-performance ones that can rival full size models. The earpieces rest on the outer ear – or need to be inserted into the ear canal – and some models might include wings or fins for a more secure fit (these are usually for sports or fitness).
    • They’re usually lightweight and extremely portable; most models have a microphone and built-in navigation controls (play, pause and volume control).
    • Sound quality, particularly the bass, is often not comparable with full size models. At times the fit can cause discomfort over time or simply do not fit your ear; most have a dual-cable design which means that there’s more possibilities for those wires to get tangled.


  • On-ear
    • These headphones rest on top of your outer ears and range from inexpensive portable models to high-end home bound models. On-ear headphones usually have closed designs that cover the ears, depending on your preference though, you might want fully sealed over-ear headphones. Over-ear headphones are usually preferred by people in the office who want to be able to hear a bit of background noise – most over-ear headphones don’t completely block out external sound.
    • Despite the possibility of slight sound leakage, over-ear headphones are relatively compact as most of them have a foldable design which makes them easy to transport.
    • Generally, they have less-effective noise isolation than in-ear or full-size headphones; they have less powerful bass compared with their full-size counterparts; due to the on-ear design, they could become uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.


  • Over-ear
    • If you’re an audiophile, or you’re just super in to tech, then you’ll know that over-ear headphones are usually described as “circumaural”. This term usually includes any headphones with earcups that completely enclose your ears. Due to their size and sound isolation, over-ear (aka full-size) headphones are usually considered to be best suited for home use rather than as portable headphones.
    • If you’re looking for that super bass, then these larger style headphones are potentially the best option for maximum bass and sound levels; because they completely cover the outer ear, they effectively block outside noises and seals music in.
    • Due to their size, travelling with them is usually a cumbersome affair.


  • Wireless
    • These days every tech company is trying to go wireless. Wireless charging and wireless music. The most popular means of transmitting music wirelessly is Bluetooth. While it certainly is more convenient than having to deal with cables and wires, you need to keep in mind that you’ll sacrifice some sound quality because of the file compression process. In an effort to combat this audio degradation, some models support aptX – a Bluetooth codec that offers slightly improved fidelity.
    •  The obvious benefit is that there are no wires between the headphones and your audio device. You can stream audio from up to 10m away from your device.
    • You have to charge your headphones / earphones every few days or else you won’t be able to listen to your music. If you’re an audiophile, then you’ll most likely notice that the compressed audio files can leave your music sounding less dynamic.

No matter what you decide, you can find a wide range of headphones and earphones available on PriceCheck.


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