Tuesday, February 11

Hero No Longer


Last week Activision-Blizzard shocked the entire gaming world by ending the Guitar Hero franchise. The company blamed sluggish sales and excessive music licence costs but I think there are larger issues. Activision-Blizzard is arguably the world’s biggest gaming company but they have had some products that have not lived up to the marketing hype surrounding them. Secondly with regards to the Guitar Hero franchise, the biggest problem is that the developers overdid the amount of products. There were far too many peripherals needed to enjoy the game.

In the space of 6 years, Guitar Hero has gone from a curiosity to a cult favourite. Then came the phase of market domination in which Guitar Hero was the game to own. Unfortunately it fizzled out to a fading star, reminiscent of an aging Rock star. As someone who is very passionate about console gaming it is with concern that I note how much of a role sales figures have on a product.

It is a sad moment for Guitar Hero and DJ Hero owners but I tend to think this could be a great move by Activision Blizzard. It clearly indicates that the company is trying to refocus and ensure that they quality control products. At least, Activision-Blizzard has Call of Duty: Black Ops in its stable.


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