Sunday, February 23

Help Save A Rhino


As you know, Rhinos are becoming a critically endangered species all around the world! They are being poached and killed for their horns as well as their hide – For decorative or even merely just for the money.

Last year approximately 448 rhinos suffered an untimely demise at the hand of vicious poachers. And…according to rhino scientists, should the poaching continue at the rate it is currently going, the population of rhinos in Africa will drastically decrease by the middle of 2012. “Not to mention that it takes a million times longer for one to even be born!”

But how can we all help prevent it all from causing a complete extinction??

Rhino Force is here to help conserve and prevent these majestic animals from being killed and used for monetary gain. Rhino Force is a group of conservationists who are trying to save the African rhino.

In an attempt to combat poaching and help SAVE the rhino population, Rhino Force has created a bracelet that serves as a symbol and spirit that is required to stop the poaching in South Africa. Their target is to sell 1 million bracelets, which will help raise money and fight the WAR against those who are responsible for causing the death of rhinos. PriceCheck is giving you the chance to support this great cause by purchasing your bracelet right here.

Sometimes we feel powerless  – but there is so much you can do to help. The Afrika Expeditionary Force is, above all, a message of hope. Get involved. Do something small to change the world.


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