Monday, March 10

Drones May Replace $127 Billion Worth Of Human Labour


With airborne drones being more widely used on a private and commercial level, a new study has found that they could replace $127 billion worth of human labour across various industries.

The robots are here and they’re taking over. In every industry from insurance to infrastructure, drones are set to replace the human workforce by up to 50% between now and 2030. 

via Tech Insider

Drones are seen as a cheaper alternative to human labour, in that they require no training or compensation. In industry they could fill any role that requires physical human labour or human judgement, and as the technology becomes more and more advanced they may eventually be able to do these jobs more efficiently than humans ever could.

And it’s not just large-scale industry jobs that are being taken away by drones. Soldiers, life-guards, pilots and firemen are just some of the service jobs that could also be filled by drones in the future.


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