Tuesday, March 11

Buying Guide: 5 Affordable Games Worth Playing


If you’re in the market for a great gaming experience that doesn’t break the bank, we’ve highlight 5 exciting games worth checking out that’ll ensure that you don’t blow your budget.

Need for Speed Rivals

Price: from R349

Before you play the upcoming Need for Speed Heat when it launches in October, players can indulge in the one of the better NFS titles in recent years, Need for Speed Rivals. Rivals features a really interesting large open-world, a huge selection of cars, and some of the best cop-chasing moments you’ll find in the franchise, not to mention that the driving mechanics felt really good in one.

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Alien: Isolation

Price: from R129

Alien: Isolation does a really good job to recreate the tension and horror aspects of the Alien franchise, which is something that has often been sidelined in exchange for action in other games based on the franchise. The interesting premise, incredible visuals and unique AI features make the game a must-play for horror fans looking for something different.

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Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition

Price: from R182

Titanfall 2 everything that made the first multiplayer-only release great, and bolstered it with a whole lot more, including an expanded multiplayer component and a compelling single-player campaign which focuses on the bond between Titan and pilot.

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Battlefield 4

Price: from R315

While it’s a few years old, Battlefield 4 still has a thriving online community (in fact, many Battlefield fans have gone back to BF4), along with a really enjoyable single-player campaign. For less than 90 bucks, it’s well worth a purchase.

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Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst

Price: from R196

The sequel to Mirror’s Edge may not have hit the heights of the first game, but Catalyst introduced some interesting new moves and combat mechanics to the parkour-inspired adventure game. Also expanding upon the story of Faith the rise of her free-running compatriots, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst is worth checking out.

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