Monday, March 10

Buyer’s Guide: 5 Tips for Shopping Online During SA’s Lockdown


With the extended Covid-19 lockdown stretching well over 8 weeks and all online shopping recently being given the go-ahead during lockdown level 4, South Africans have quickly embraced the world of virtual shopping. From cloth masks and hand sanitiser to grocery essentials and takeaway meals, many people with the means to shop online are opting for the shopping experience to be brought them rather than braving shopping centres and malls. For those new to online shopping, it’s important to consider a few safety factors while shopping up a storm. Here are our top 5 tips to make the best of online shopping during SA’s lockdown period:

1. Make a list of your favourite places to shop

With so many places to shop, online shopping can get overwhelming. Unlike traditional shopping in a brick and mortar store, you have the option of shopping in multiple stores at one time. So before you open 300 browsers, be sure to make a list of your favourite places to shop. That way, you have an idea of where to go for specific items.

If you don’t know where to start to find the best prices on items or find the items you need, then a price comparison website like will make life a lot easier. Use the site to search for the product you want and check out the best deals on that item from across multiple stores all in one palace!

Find the best prices on lockdown essentials online with PriceCheck now:

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Plan ahead:

online shopping

While online shopping is a dream come true, you do need to plan ahead a little when shopping online. While many online stores ordinarily offer very quick delivery, during the lockdown many couriers are operating on a skeleton staff, making shipping time longer than usual. It’s important to factor in shipping time when shopping online. Try to place your order for the goods you need a few days before you need so you don’t get stuck without an essential item like toilet paper or milk.

2. Hunt for deals

Shopping Online

Sales and deals are an integral part of shopping online. More so than in retail stores, you can find products on special or at reduced rates every day. However, stock can be limited – hence the superior pricing – so it pays to be quick on the click. Most online shops have the option to send you a newsletter with their products on offer, and subscribing to these newsletters can be the difference between securing the deal you want or missing out.

Sign up to PriceCheck’s Daily Deals newsletter to be the first to get notifications on stellar deals during the lockdown.


3. Stay safe online

Online shopping

Cyber safety is a big part of shopping online – there are a few dos and don’ts. If something looks too good to be true, and you haven’t heard of the website before, do some research. If Googling the site name doesn’t yield any results, you’d do well to proceed with caution.

There are many well-known South African shopping sites for you to choose from. All of these will offer a number of payment methods, including credit card. These sites may remember any credit card details you have previously entered, but will always request you enter your CVV number for any purchase.

Shop safely online with PriceCheck now:

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4. If you’re unsure…


Although it’s very simple, the online shopping procedure may seem confusing at first. Most sites have a very similar checkout layout, which allows you to choose your delivery address, payment method and (sometimes) delivery date in an easy-to-understand step-by-step process. If you still need help you can contact customer service via the website and a friendly customer service agent will assist you with anything you may need.

While the lockdown is helping us restrict our movement in an attempt to curb the spread of this virus, that doesn’t mean you can’t get the things you want and need. Shopping online is the easiest way to get everything you need during the lockdown period. Almost everything you need is at your fingertips with online shopping, you just need to know where to look.


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