Monday, March 10

Why November is the Best Time to Buy Gadgets, Games, & Fashion!


Summer is busy making a serious comeback, and that means it’s time to start rotating out old summer wear and start getting some new items in, right? Well – yes, but maybe practicing a little patience also has some benefits.

Instead of running out and grabbing those new Polo shirts, linen chinos, games, or pieces of tech you’ve been saving all year for, you should hold onto your cash just a little bit longer. “Why!?” you ask incredulously? Well, Black Friday is coming around again this year, and if past years are anything to go by, we’re in for the best one yet!

For those who haven’t experienced it yet, Black Friday is a retail holiday popularised Stateside where retailers offer absurd discounts to clear stock in preparation for the Christmas season. What this equates to is paradise for would-be shoppers and bargain hunters.

Discounts going as high as 80% or more aren’t that uncommon during Black Friday specials, and this year some of South Africa’s biggest retailers will be offering shoppers sales and savings that will make your eyes water. It’s become such a massive event that it even extends past its namesake day (23rd November this year) and all the way to Cyber Monday – where online retailers in particular slice prices even further.

So instead of splurging out now, rather keep your October frugal and thrifty. Make a list of things you’d like to get and sit on that disposable income a little bit longer – the specials are only a month away and you’ll get way more bang for your buck!

Of course, keeping an eye on all the stores will be tricky, so a simple solution: make PriceCheck your first point of call during November as all the big retailers begin building their Black Friday hype!

And if you want to find the best deals this Black Friday, sign up to PriceCheck’s Black Friday newsletter so that you get a heads-up on the biggest specials as they go live!


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