Thursday, February 20

Apple Music Launches Annual Subscription Plan


If you love streaming music services then the odds are that you’ve at least considered getting Apple Music.

If you’re a first time user, Apple offers you a free 3-month trial. Once the trial period has elapsed, you’re able to continue using the service for a monthly fee or R59.99 for an individual membership, R89.99 for a family plan or a reduced cost of R29.99 a month for students.

A new option is the annual plan which costs R599 for a full 12 months.

In order to access the annual subscription option, you’ll need to have an active Apple Music subscription.

If you’re looking for the plan from your iOS device (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch) here’s how to find it (or change to the plan if that’s what you’d like to do):

  • Open the App Store app
  • At the bottom of the Featured tab, tap on your Apple ID
  • Tap on View Your ID
  • Sign in by either entering your password or using your fingerprint
  • Tap on Subscriptions
  • You’ll see any and all subscriptions you have that are linked to your Apple ID, including your Apple Music subscription
  • You’ll see the option for the Annual subscription

If you’re accessing Apple Music from your computer, you’ll need to open the iTunes app and then:

  • Select Music in the dropdown on the left hand side of the app
  • Select Store
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll see a Manage heading
  • Below it, you’ll see Account, which you need to click on
  • You might be prompted to enter your Apple ID password
  • Scroll down to Settings and tap on Manage
  • You’ll then see the Apple Music plans and the option to switch to the annual plan

At this stage, the annual subscription appears to be limited to the individual plan.


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