Tuesday, March 11

The Netflix of Books Lands in SA!


Great news for book worms, there’s a new, super easy way to get all the books you’re craving on your digital devices! Bookchoice, a new monthly book membership service in South Africa, is basically the Netflix of books and offers readers on-demand books to enjoy whenever the mood strikes.

Studies show that reading every day can reduce your stress levels while also helping you exercise your brain ‘muscles’ for more effective brain functioning. But, with so many books being released every month, finding the right books to read can be tough. Even more so if you enjoy trying new genres and authors. With a R50 monthly subscription fee, Bookchoice gives you more choice than ever before, with a wide range of books to choose from on their online catalogue.

Your monthly subscription fee gets you 8 audiobooks and 8 eBooks every month and allows you to download the titles onto your Kindle, smartphone, or E-eader to enjoy whenever and wherever.

The service is also great for book clubs and Bookchoice even offers a special book club membership option. To take advantage of the BookChoice book club membership, simply get all your book club members to join Bookchoice and each person in your group will get access to 16 new books per month. Bookchoice also takes the chore out of choosing which books to read every month by choosing the book club reads for you. There’s also a local author included in the mix each month, which means you’ll be exposed to some of South Africa’s most loved writers.

Still love the feel of paperback? Check out the extensive list of book offers on PriceCheck.co.za!

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