Saturday, February 22

7 Ways to Travel Smarter and Cheaper


Whether you travel on a regular basis or if you’re a novice, these travel tips could help make venturing to a new country less complicated.

Here are some tips for those new to travelling overseas.

1. Book With The Same Airline

Or at least try to book with an affiliate airline. There are two reasons for this:

  • It reduces the likelihood of you paying large amounts when you miss connecting flights.
  • and it reduces the chance of your luggage being lost.

2. Peak Seasons? Book Accommodation Early

If you plan to travel during peak seasons ensure you book your accommodation early.

This goes to say…

3. Avoid Travelling During Peak Seasons

If you do plan to travel try and avoid doing so during the peak season. There are various reasons for this:

  • You might end up forking out thousands for accommodation and airfare
  • All famous landmarks are filled with tourists
  • Tourist attractions cost a fortune

4. The Massive Foreign Airports

Airports are massive and when you’re in a foreign country chances are you’re going to get very lost finding the right terminal. For the best preparation, acquaint yourself with the foreign terms to ask for directions and the likely responses to match.

5. Travellers Cheques and Overseas Credit Cards Are Schleps

Gone are the days of worrying about these complicated matters. Check with your financial institution and find out about overseas banking and travel options. Your life will be easier.

6. Medication

This probably shouldn’t be so low on the list but remember your health is important. Make sure you have backup prescriptions from your GP and medical notes to explain why you need them.

7. Prescription Glasses

Don’t miss out on the beautiful views, ensure you carry a backup pair of prescription glasses.


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