Wednesday, March 12

5 Oustanding Benefits You Gain From Boxing


Scout about for 2018’s biggest fitness trends and you’ll find the common denominator – Boxing. And the celebs are definitely helping in the popularisation of the sport – look at Gigi Hadid, Adriana Lima and Khloe Kardashian to name a few. So, what’s happening here? Is it just a fad or is something cooking in the boxing ring?

Here are five outstanding benefits of Boxing

You Develop a New Skill

Not the most glamorised benefit of boxing, but rather one of the more subtler improvements is learning and developing a new skill. One of which is defending yourself by throwing a perfect right hook. And this is all done while still benefiting from the other excellent physical and mental advantages gained from boxing.

You Relieve Stress

If you’re not into yoga or anything soft and mellow, boxing tames the raging beast within directing anger and frustration towards the punching bag. This makes boxing highly recommended for relieving stress.

Read more How Your Anxiety is Putting You At Risk To Alzheimer’s

You Build Confidence

Learning to throw a proper hook, jab and upper is by far an easy confidence booster. It empowers and strengthens you without even needing to fight. Simply knowing how to defend yourself gives you that little bit of oomph when walking the streets.

Your Focus and Strategic Thinking Improves

Many trainers throw quick combinations in the ring, like the good old “1-2, 1-2-1-2”. And being able to anticipate and respond to these requires complete presence and attentiveness. It also calls on your multitasking and strategic skills as you need to attack while still defending. All this leads to a somewhat rewiring of the brain and the development of untapped behaviour.  So, staying focused is an absolute essential when you’re in the ring. And as you improve, the more easy it is for you to apply these to other aspects of your life.

Your Fitness Improves

Moving from the mental to the physical, it’s quite clear, just by looking at people who box, that it’s an absolute wonder for getting into shape. This is because it incorporates various types of workouts which include HIIT (High-Intensity Training) Cardio (skipping and running), Strength (weight-lifting) and the last time I checked some yoga stretches were thrown in as well. So, if you’re looking for a great all-around workout, boxing is really the way to go.


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