Tuesday, March 11

4 Tips to Keep Your Pet’s Paws in Top Shape this Winter


Pedicures are not only beneficial for us humans; your pooch’s paws also need regular care to keep them in tip-top shape. The condition of your dog’s paws and pads play a vital role in their overall well-being. Paw pads provide important cushioning to help protect their bones and joints from shock and provides insulation from extreme weather. In addition, they aid in walking on rough ground and helps protect tissue deep within the paw.

During the winter months, colder temperatures or drier climates can cause cracking and chapping of your pooch’s paws, pads, and toes – even more reason why you need to give those paws some pampering. During the cooler months, it is important to keep your pet’s paws and pads nourished and moisturised, as dry and cracked pads are not only painful to walk on, but also allow for foreign objects to become lodged between the cracks which can lead to potential infections. Here are 4 tips to keep your pet’s paws in top shape this winter and beyond:


Most dog’s nails need regular cutting. Your pet’s nails should be trimmed when they grow long enough to touch the ground while walking. How often you trim your dog’s nails will depend on your dog, and some breed’s nails may not need to be trimmed much at all.

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Spot checks

cat paw balm

You should carry out regular checks on your pet’s paws, looking between the toes and on the pads for any foreign debris or injuries. Gently remove any debris with a warm damp cloth to clean the area. If you’re looking for a natural treatment, Buchu has been shown to be very effective in treating small injuries and infection in dogs. This indigenous herb boasts natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it ideal for first aid on minor wounds. Look for a cream or spray product containing Buchu and try applying it to your pet’s paws whenever they need a little extra TLC.

Fight inflammation

Inflamed or infected paws can make walking difficult and painful for your pooch, so it’s important to intervene before these develop. When infection develops, dogs often continually lick the affected area which can lead to further skin irritation. Use a safe and preferably natural product which alleviates symptoms and assists with healing. Using a good paw balm will help to keep inflammation and infection at bay while also promoting skin elasticity and moisturisation.

Massage away

to promote circulation in your pooch’s paws, spend some time massaging their pads. Not only will a deep massage allow for great bonding time, it will also allow you to treat dry and cracked pads and promote relaxation.

While keeping your pet’s paws healthy with regular care, it’s also important to prevent damage in the first place. Remember to check surfaces for roughness as well as temperature before you start your walk – especially on extremely hot or cold days

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