Saturday, March 15

5 Apps Every Couple Needs


As much as you love them, life with your significant other isn’t always sunshine and daisies – especially when things like bills, grocery shopping, and chores get in the way! But that doesn’t mean you have to figure out your problems all on your own – like every obstacle we encounter in life, there’s an app for that! Here are 5 apps every couple should download – whether it’s something to help you manage your collective finances or spend more quality time together, there’s something for everyone.


If you’re all coupled-up and living together then you’ll no doubt know the struggle of  “who pays for what?” The hard truth is joint expenses can get a bit confusing but Splitwise helps couples and partners keep track of who paid for what, and the app even works out bill divisions and tips. This will help you balance out the scales or figure out when it’s your turn to grab the groceries or cover the electricity bill.

Download: Android



If you’re not big on sharing your most intimate loved-up movements with the world on social media then this app is right up your alley. Couple basically acts as your own private social media platform between you and your loved one, giving you options to chat, share images, memories, and ideas – and all these special moments are saved privately in one place for you and your partner to enjoy. There are also options to share to-do lists, set reminders, share your location, and suggest places to go out to on dates nights.

Download: Android | iOS

Also read: Buying Guide: Best Mid-Range Smartphones Available in South Africa 


Want to communicate better with your other half? Kindu can help you talk things through, spice things up, or even give you few ideas to show some affection towards one another. To get started you and your partner both need to create an account and pair with each other – once you’re ready to go you can swipe through over 100 naughty suggestions that you can like, dislike, or say maybe to. If you both say yes, it’s a match. You can even throw your own ideas into the deck.

Download: Android | iOS 



Between is a couples-only app where you can communicate more romantically and store precious memories easily with your loved one. Check each other’s schedules and special days, share photos, videos and notes, and talk to each other.

Download: Android | iOS 

Couple Game: Relationship Quiz App for Couples

Couple Game is one of the absolute best relationship games out there – it’s the perfect way to find out just how well you know your partner, then get to know them even better. This app is filled with questions for couples!

Download: Android | iOS 

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