Wednesday, October 2

Smart watch for Microsoft?


Another day, another smart watch entrant. It is clear that the smart watch is going to happen sometime this year and Apple, Google, Samsung and Microsoft are all going to have products for consumers.

Microsoft has a few problems and the smart watch will not solve of any of them. Their much awaited tablet (The Surface) has not sold as well as the iPad or Samsung Galaxy tablets. Is it a case of them not supplying a tablet users love or is it still a case of Microsoft trying to press on its desktop strategy? Microsoft is experiencing the beginning of the decrease in desktop computer sales which will adversely affect their software sales. Remember, the Redmond based company made their money selling software.

Is Microsoft Windows 8 an accelerator to all the issues Microsoft are facing? Depending on your source of information it is either an accelerator to the issues the business is facing or it is a decelerator which has little impact on Microsoft. Having seen the operating system being used it is clear that Microsoft should be educating their users more and working harder on patches for issues.

The smart watch from Microsoft will be interesting. It is clear that Microsoft is trying harder to become a player in the consumer electronic space (as seen at Samsung and Apple). Will it be called the Wrist Surface? With what devices will it be able to be synced with – Nokia phones, the much rumoured Microsoft mobile phone or the Surface tablet?

Microsoft needs a winning consumer electronic product soon. If they don’t succeed in the coming 12 months then Steve Ballmer might be packing up his office and leaving the Microsoft building.


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