Tuesday, October 1

Microsoft Office for the iPad?


Microsoft have finally realised that they need to do something for the iPad.  Let’s face it; tablet computing is where everybody wants to be. Manufacturers and users want in on the tablet action. Just look at the Amazon Kindle Fire. If the rumour mill is to be believed, Microsoft is working on an iPad version of its highly popular office software suite Microsoft Office.

As a tablet owner, I can honestly say opening documents & spreadsheets (non PDF) is nothing short of a nightmare. As much as I love Apple’s Pages and Numbers software on my iPad, I often have massive compatibility issues.  Having to re-save documents is a common experience and is hugely frustrating.  In short Microsoft making iPad apps for the Office franchise makes complete sense.

I think there might also be another reason for the sudden re-emergence of this story. The Windows based tablet which Steve Ballmer always mentions in analyst calls, might be a real thing. As much as the Apple kingdom owns the cellphone and tablet space, Microsoft still has market ownership of the desktop software space. Having nothing for any tablet device is a bad idea as tablet computing will be big. Microsoft Windows 8 is most probably going to have a tablet flavour.  Ensuring that their Office software is available to the public would be a very good barometer on what Microsoft potentially might do in the tablet space.  So Mr Ballmer, can I please get a copy of your software for my iPad?


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