Wednesday, October 2

Microsoft almost acquired Nokia


It is not often that acquisition targets get press coverage. It is one of the most closely guarded secrets that any business deals with. This week a major story broke in the press; the revelation that Nokia’s mobile business was almost acquired by Microsoft. (This is also a rumour that appears every few months..)

Microsoft is clearly in a position to look at buying any business they can add to their incredible asset base. Mobile and tablets are the missing links and Nokia would have solved the mobile need. Microsoft’s much publicized tablet effort called the Surface has failed to capture consumer interest globally.

What does Nokia provide to any possible suitor? Mobile phone manufacturer that can help any business grow explosively. They have assets that are becoming really valuable (the Lumia brand, their mapping service called Now etc). They are market leaders with mobile photography, a technology that can add value to many possible opportunities.

Nokia is in a no win situation at the moment – it is battling 2 big gorillas that are top of mind for consumers globally. Is the marriage between Nokia and Microsoft a potential divorce? Until Nokia can independently survive they will be the darling of rumours.

So, what if Microsoft bought Nokia?


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