Sunday, October 6

MANIFESTO of a PriceCheck Hacker


As a PriceCheck Hacker
We strive to learn and innovate at all costs, and if we fail and fall in the name of advancement we pick ourselves up and try again.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
You are a professional and part of a team, not a lone script-kiddy in his mom’s basement. Also, please leave the code cleaner than you got it!

As a PriceCheck Hacker
We use the right tool for the job , often this is the LAMP stack, and frequently we sprinkle in some GoLang to keep things interesting.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
Innovation is key with the proviso that we do not use tech for the sake of tech, tech needs to serve a purpose first, no matter how cool or exciting it seems.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
We are also data cowboys. We love the struggles of wrangling large databases and corralling large XML feeds. Parallelism is our steed and Concurrency is our rope.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
We are agile but never to the detriment of the customers, the product, the business or ourselves.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
There is no need to be a Full Stack Unicorn, but everyone has a hand in the frontend, the backend, and all the hundreds of systems in between. Most importantly we have a complete understanding of our individual impact on the platform as a whole.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
You are part of the DevOps team, those that built it know best how to fix it.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
We believe in continuous delivery, changes can and do get rolled out constantly, if it breaks we fix it.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
We believe in levering SAAS and PAAS , cloud and containers, because when it comes to maintaining non-core systems, hardware, hosting etc, ain’t nobody got time for that.

As a PriceCheck Hacker
I code therefor I am!


~ Penned by Conrad (our supreme captain hero of the dev team aka Head of Tech)
~ Lived by the entire team


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