Sunday, October 6

How to get into a routine and stick to it


The idea of routine usually brings up negative connotations – such as it “kills creativity”, “it’s boring”, etc. On the contrary, getting into a routine and sticking to it has a great way of instilling lost values and developing those undiscovered.

Step One – Understand Your Purpose

If we look closely at the lives of “successful” people, we find matured daily routines aimed at achieving personal goals. Winston Churchill, for example, woke at 7:30am every day, worked from his bed and only rose at 11am – had a daily routine fruitless for someone who had specific fitness ambitions. Understanding what your purpose is, is the fuel to a fiery steadfast routine.

Step Two – Develop a sleeping pattern

Sleep is an essential component of a longlasting routine as not getting enough of it, results in burn out and too much of it robs you of productivity. It also impacts on the overall energy you bring to each and every activity. Waking up and getting to bed at the same time every night will ensure you create a full day within that timeline.

Read more about becoming a morning person and getting optimal rest.

The National Sleep Foundation indicates seven-nine hours as the recommended amount of sleep for adults.

Step Three – Incorporate Exercise and Meditation

Besides weight loss, exercise increases energy levels and helps you sleep soundly. These are two important components for maintaining the longevity of your daily routine. Incorporating a few minutes of meditation is also a great way to train your mind and to assist with staying focussed when you are presented with a specific task at work or at home.

The benefits of developing a routine suited to your needs and that works for you are numerous. They include:

  • Reduced decision fatigue
  • Better self-discipline
  • Increased productivity
  • Better rest.

Aristotle said it best – ” Quality is not an act, it’s a habit”. Let your routine inspire you to be the best version of yourself.


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