Saturday, October 5

Five Lunchbox Snacks That Improve Your Child’s Brain


Online Time Magazine published an article in 2015 revealing humans to have shorter attention spans than goldfish – lasting for approximately eight seconds. With the age of information still thriving two years later, what will the next study show? Until then, packing in the correct lunch box foods for your child has never been more important for better study abilities. These days even those seemingly healthy foods are loaded with added sugars – think yoghurts, fruit juices, even milk – which cause even more unnecessary agitation and excitement in children. However, there are some foods that may have a reverse effect enhancing your child’s focus and memory.


Image result for blueberries

Not just a yummy treat, studies may suggest a link between better memory and blueberry consumption. Pack them in for lunch to help your child regard and store information better or decorate them over oats for a hearty breakfast.


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They may be a bit smelly when packed as a lunch snack, but eggs are excellent for increased brain power. They are loaded with nutrients and vitamins from protein, vitamin D, A, B2, B12, folate, iodine. Eating eggs also assist in subsiding irritability and easily satiates decreasing sugary cravings. If a boiled egg is not something they enjoy, there’s always the option of scrambled or poached for breakfast.

Dark Chocolate

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Perhaps not a snack to pack every day, throwing in some dark chocolate here and there benefits cognitive abilities with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Opt for the darker less processed brands which have more nutritional value.


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Is your child facing exams? Be sure to pack a banana. A study in 2008 revealed students who ate bananas faired better in exams than those who did not. Ripe bananas also increase dopamine levels which assist with concentration and motivation.

Nuts & Seeds

Image result for walnuts

For better memory, be sure to add some nuts and seeds in the lunchbox.  A report by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease revealed the monosaturated makeup of walnuts played a huge role in enhanced brain functioning. Also, the fats – Omega 3 and 6 – especially found in both almonds and walnuts improves memory and the nervous system. These fats are also found in sunflower seeds.

Image result for HealthFood Warehouse Almonds Roasted 2kg                             Image result for HealthFood Warehouse Sunflower Seeds 5kg

Roasted Almonds Available For R436.00                5KG Sunflower Seeds Available for R225

Then last but not least, encourage your child to drink more water by packing some in. Too often, instead of hungry, we are thirsty and this goes for children too. When dehydration hits, so does fatigue and irritability causing concentration levels to drop.


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