Wednesday, October 2

How will you be celebrating Mandela Day?


“It is time for new hands to lift the burdens. It is in your hands now” – Nelson Mandela, 27 June 2008.

The late Nelson Mandela spoke these words at his 90th birthday celebration in London, and this statement inspired the Mandela Day project.

Today, Mandela Day is an internationally recognised cause, one that is celebrated by people devoting 67 minutes of their time to give back to their community. Every minute represents each year that Mandela dedicated to uplifting his community, South Africa.
Mandela Day 2014 marks the first celebration since Mandela’s passing last December. It also commemorates his birthday, making this year’s celebration of his life even more poignant.

If you are keen to join in on the Mandela Day festivities, and have nothing prepared yet, here are few ideas that are sure to brighten someone’s day:

Throw a Tea party

Nevermind the sweet treats, but rather the company that comes along with it. Plan a tea party at your local old age home, or spend some time with a lonely neighbour. Other ideas include playing board games or reading at a children’s home . Consider  taking along some music, so that they can enjoy a dance or two.

Give a dog a bone


Volunteers are always welcome at animal shelters. Instead of just going and cleaning up though, why not go armed with a bag, or two, of pet food and blankets? It may seem like a small gesture, but every bit helps.

Another animal-friendly idea is to sponsor a guide dog by paying for the puppy training, or adopting a puppy of your own.

Donate blood

Blood is always needed, so why not become a donor?  A single donation could help save up to three lives. Blood donation clinics are centrally throughout the country at local community centres and shopping malls. You can also speak to your general practitioner for more details on donating blood.

Fashion Forward

What you may think of as outdated fashion others will be more than willing to wear,  just to keep warm. Donate clothing that you no longer wear to a local shelter. If you don’t have  time to visit at shelter, keep bags of the clothes in your car and hand it out at intersections, or whenever you see a person in need.

Plan a lunch date


When you stop at the grocery store to get things for the next day’s lunch, add an extra loaf of bread and filling to your basket. Then make sandwiches and hand them out to the needy.

These are only some ideas for taking action to inspire change and make a difference, but we have to start somewhere…

london - 27.06.2008


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